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January 25, 2009



It seems to me the emphasis on Jesus first breaks the commandment to 'Have no other God before me.' It makes me uneasy sometimes.
I've often said to my husband that I feel Jesus would say, "No, no, no, you got it all wrong! Not me, God!"

Fr Craig

I tend to agree with this - I never have figured out what a 'close and personal relationship with Jesus as my savior' means. On the other hand, I take Jesus to be God incarnate, that is all of God's creative power and essence comprehensible to humankind, and thus I take Jesus to be the first of the New Humanity. Living like Jesus - a totally 'other-centered' life is only possible (in my view) if we can find a way to be free of fear, which is the root of all sin. In the resurrection, we have this path of freedom from fear opened to us. If Jesus is not resurrected, then yes, we are only reformed Jews (not that there's anything wrong with that!), but I believe that God wants us to be free of fear, trust God, and love each other. To me, that takes more than just theism.

D. C. Toedt III

Fr. Craig @ 09:15 am writes: "... a totally 'other-centered' life is only possible (in my view) if we can find a way to be free of fear, which is the root of all sin. In the resurrection, we have this path of freedom from fear opened to us."

I strongly suspect your first sentence is correct. But for the resurrection to open a path of freedom from fear, it seems to me we have to assess (as best we can) the reliability of the resurrection reports. That includes weighing other possible explanations for the phenomena that were interpreted and reported as resurrection.


What about the Noahide movement (or lack thereof)? Too simple, missing faith in God and missing tradition and rituals?

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