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June 15, 2006



If someone seems genetically predisposed toward certain "bad" behavior, what should we do about it? Should the fact of the predisposition let them off the hook if they do engage in the bad behavior?

Of course not. I myself am genetically (we think) predisposed to "bad" behavior; I have the alcoholism gene.

But if I do something while under the influence that is wrong or "sinful," I'm still accountable. I must make amends to those I've harmed - it's part of the recovery process - and ensure that I won't cause more harm in the future by staying sober and spiritually fit.


This is rather a ridiculous concept. We have never found an alcoholism gene, a bad behavior gene or anything else. People's personalities (which may have a genetic component) are predisposed to certain things such as addiction. However, that is one more reason to keep yourself from these sins. I have an addictive personality and used to have a gambling problem. I don't gamble anymore because it would be a really stupid and sinful idea.

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"This is rather a ridiculous concept. We have never found an alcoholism gene, a bad behavior gene or anything else. People's personalities (which may have a genetic component) are predisposed to certain things such as addiction. However, that is one more reason to keep yourself from these sins. I have an addictive personality and used to have a gambling problem. I don't gamble anymore because it would be a really stupid and sinful idea."

i agree with doug its ridiculous, this concept i mean. Telling someone that they cannot control their addiction? you choose to be addicted, and if not you chose to begin doing whatever it is you are addicted to. There is no reason for someone to get addicted unless they choose to be.

thats what i believe.

great post, i really enjoyed reading it btw.



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