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May 01, 2006


V Knutsen

Colleges are also notably filled (i.e. tenured persons picking like tenured persons) with a higher percentage of persons who may not believe historic Christianity.

And surely since Darwin, his cousin Francis Galton, Huxley & others pushed the theory of evolution into a semi belief system, some accept the collegiate "package" which pushes past the bounds of scientific theories and hypotheses to say "there is no god".

However there are scientists who believe in God, and my husband is one of them. One physics student thought the beauty of some elaborate theorem he was working on demonstrated some aspect of the mind of Goed (along with his mind attempting to use and arrange these principles).

Again, this seems more like a subject for someone who is atheistic or agnostic. If I were to put belief in God up to a poll, I would not bother with church. Church would be a waste of time and space if God is not real.

PS there are various scientists (tho not all of Christian faith---of various faiths) who do think there is evidence of a Designer.

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